Irish English Tags Audio
bing bing a bheith air an upward limit or ceiling to be set to the number of cattle to be taken in from each tenant for grazing on commons land Abstract nouns Activities Animals Farming life Relationships Log in to hear
rálach an ugly offensive name for a woman Adjectives Abstract nouns People Relationships Feelings Log in to hear
forseamálaí an awkward woman about a house Adjectives People The home Relationships Feelings Log in to hear
magpies according to the number seen together at a time portend: 1, mí-á; 2, á; 3, socraoid; 4, pósadh Numbers Abstract nouns Activities Relationships Food and drink Log in to hear
céiseóg banbh céiseóige ar a' gcéad ál, a piglet of a sow's first litter. a young sow having first litter Animals Food and drink Feelings Life & death Relationships Log in to hear
stocán láidir go ghasúr a strong sturdy stump of a lad Adjectives People Physical descriptions Relationships Abstract nouns Log in to hear
fiar fiar tugthaí dhó, it put on a slant; ar fiar, on a slant a slant Adjectives Everyday phrases Language Prepositions Relationships Log in to hear
airicis tine chnámh in ' airicis, to receive him, to welcome him home. Activities Everyday phrases Feelings Verbs Relationships Log in to hear
bail (fear) a chuirfeadh bail air héin, get married in time and set up a home for himself (MMt); go ngohadh droch-bhail orthaí, that she'd come to misfortune (a young pretty girl) at the hands of Arthur Nash (SBh) Activities Feelings Relationships Life & death Everyday phrases Log in to hear
ciontaí ní rabh ciontaí ar bith aige liom-s, he had no fault to find with me Feelings Everyday phrases Relationships Verbs Idioms Log in to hear
cluas bain a' chluas duíom má thugann tú an lámh faoi'n talamh leat (ars an tAthair Mánus) (Sb). = 'mark my words'. Everyday phrases Idioms Conversation Feelings Relationships Log in to hear
cóir níl éinne a fhanans le cóir nach bhfánn é (sean-ocal) Everyday phrases Idioms Proverbs Feelings Relationships Log in to hear
comh-aois comh-aois Mháire í, she is the same age as Máire Abstract nouns Adjectives Comparatives Feelings Relationships Log in to hear
cúb tá cúb aicí, said of a pup lying between the forelegs of its mother. Activities Animals Feelings Relationships The body Log in to hear
dul ní féidir a dhul dóf ', it is impossible to be up to them, to get the better of them. Verbs Feelings Idioms Abstract nouns Relationships Log in to hear