Irish English Tags Audio
crainn siar cuirfe muid crainn siar, we'll cast lots, using a long straw and a short one Activities Objects Everyday phrases Food and drink Games Log in to hear
díon níl díon deór sa teach, tá fearthainn anuas ann Everyday phrases Buildings Weather Feelings Objects Log in to hear
draid draid mhaith fhiacla aige, a good set of teeth Abstract nouns Adjectives Objects Feelings Physical descriptions Log in to hear
feistiú chuir siad feistiú troda orthú héin, equipped themselves for fight, armed themselves with graips Activities Verbs Feelings Objects Everyday phrases Log in to hear
friotáiltí uibh friotáiltí, fried egg Food and drink Objects Adjectives Activities Everyday phrases Log in to hear
gabhlóg dhearag 2" long with spread tail Measurement Adjectives Objects Animals Physical descriptions Log in to hear
liabrán cloch liabráin, sharpening stone Objects Tools Everyday phrases Activities Food and drink Log in to hear
liocaim liocann sé an talamh, (tractor) tramps the ground, packs the soil (Wm); liocthaí: féar liocthaí / L´uki: /, hay stuck together after heating (AL). Activities Farming life Objects Verbs Adjectives Log in to hear
lorg a lorg, nothing, following a dhath, finally - a dhath . . . a lorg (negatively) Everyday phrases Feelings Interjections Adverbs Objects Log in to hear
méar the fingers are in order - an ordóg, a' chorr-mhéar, a' mhéar fhada, a' mhéar fháinne (or méar an fháinne), a' laidhricín Body Objects Activities Physical descriptions Everyday phrases Log in to hear
ruaibíní (bhí) ruaibíní - mar adéarfá súilí do bhrógaí - is na curaigh seo - curaigh an dá éadan Adjectives Everyday phrases Bodies Feelings Objects Log in to hear
scealb scealab cloich' , píosa géar Objects Geographical terms Shapes Feelings Adjectives Log in to hear
slám slám olainne, a roll of wool tuairim 's punt (TmB); slám ceó, a piece of fog or foggy cloud. Objects Food and drink Weather Activities Adjectives Log in to hear
smutú ghá smutú, ghá mbriseadh (claidhmhtheachaí) (SOG); tá sí smutaí agad, you have it smashed (of spade that struck a stone) (MMt). Activities Feelings Verbs Everyday phrases Objects Log in to hear
snámhán a' ghaoth a' snámhán thart, the wind going round to another point Weather Nature Activities Physical contact Objects Log in to hear