Irish English Tags Audio
Cén chaoi bhfuil tú? How are you? Everyday phrases Greetings Conversation Feelings Interjections
go breá/go maith/go measartha/go dona, slán a bhéas I'm grand/good/middling/bad thanks for asking Feelings Everyday phrases Adjectives Greetings Conversation
titheabhaigh (carna) tifí (eachléim) Houses Buildings Objects The home Geographical terms Everyday phrases
Dia dhuit/Bail ó Dhia ort/Sé do bheatha Bless you/Hello/Welcome Greetings Everyday phrases Interjections
Conas tánn tú/Conas taoi How are you? Everyday phrases Greetings Conversation Feelings Interjections
Goidé mar atá tú? How are you? Everyday phrases Greetings Conversation Feelings
Táim beo ar éigean I'm barely alive Feelings Life & death Everyday phrases Adverbs Verbs
go hiontach/Tá go hait I'm great Feelings Adjectives Everyday phrases Conversation Personality
Ceart go leor/Tá go maith/Táim maith go leor I'm ok Feelings Everyday phrases Adjectives Conversation Interjections
Togha uilig I'm grand Feelings Everyday phrases Adjectives Conversation Health
Is mise Mark/Mark an t-ainm atá ormsa/Mark is ainm dom My Mark is my name Personal pronouns People Everyday phrases Language Identity
Cad/Céard í do shlí bheatha? What do you do for a living? Conversation Activities Everyday phrases Questions Work
Is múinteoir mé? I'm a teacher Activities People Education Everyday phrases Relationships
Uachtar Cream/Upper Food and drink Adjectives Everyday phrases Colours
Táim i mo chónaí i mBeithigh Bheag I live on the Behy Road Places Everyday phrases Transport The city Verbs