Irish English Tags Audio
bodach / drochbhodach big strong lad who is argumentative Adjectives People Personality Arguments Physical descriptions
bhuel, chuid acu théanns go Sasana well, some of them go to England Everyday phrases Geographical terms Adverbs Verbs People
chuid mhaith acu ag iascaireacht a good few are fishermen Adjectives Animals People Work Everyday phrases
Théadh go Sasana he used to go to England Activities Travel People Past participle Geographical terms
ag fáil pinsean he's getting a pension Abstract nouns Activities People Money Verbs
iníon amháin one daughter People Family Numbers Abstract nouns Relationships
pósta, insa teach linn she is married, in the house here with us Adjectives Everyday phrases People The home Relationships
seisear chlann aici six children, she has Numbers People Pronouns Everyday phrases Relationships
cúigear comhdháil ar scoil five are attending school Numbers Activities School People Verbs
bliain d'haois she's a year old Age People Adjectives Life & death Time
Bíonn ag deanamh tithe he's building houses Activities Buildings Verbs People Work
tógann píosaí iad he builds parts of them Activities Verbs People Objects Relationships
bhí fear there was a man People Verbs Everyday phrases Physical descriptions The city
bhí ag siúl he was walking Activities Verbs Adjectives People Time
casadh leis tarbh he met with a bull Animals People Activities Verbs Physical contact