Irish English Tags Audio
agus casadh leofa gandal they met a gander Animals Verbs People Everyday phrases Physical contact
gandal ghé...ghé a male goose...goose Animals People Adjectives Geographical terms Food and drink
agus dúirt an gandal go mbeadh leis and the gandel said he would belong to them People Conversation Feelings Relationships Verbs
casadh leofa cat they met a cat Animals Activities People Verbs Everyday phrases
agus dúirt an cat go mbeadh leofa and the cat said it would belong to them Animals People Verbs Feelings Everyday phrases
bhí coileach leofa a cockerel belonged to them Animals People Possession Everyday phrases Verbs
bhain said a' bóthair ar (?) chucu they took the road towards them Verbs Prepositions People Transportation Everyday phrases
agus chonaic an fear solas, sa teach seo and the man so a light, in the house here People Objects The home Adverbs Everyday phrases
"Tá solas", a dúirt sé, "insan teach sin, thall" there's a light on, he said, in the house over there Everyday phrases Conversation Buildings Objects People
agus dúirt go raibh, dhá rubálaidhe sa teach, ag comhairleadh and he said was two robbers in the house, conversing. Activities Conversation Objects People The home
agus tháinic ag a' teach and he came to the house Buildings Verbs People The home Everyday phrases
agus d'imigh an rubálaidhe a bhí ann amach and the two robbers who were in it, went out People Activities Verbs Adjectives Place names
Chuaigh an fear i dteach na rubálaidhe the man went into the house of the robbers things People Buildings Activities Objects The family
Ghabh gandal ghé ag a' drisúir the gandel went to the dresser Activities Objects The home People Verbs
nuair a bhí na rubálaidhe, imigh tamaill ón teach when the robbers were gone a while from the house Activities Buildings People Time Life & death