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guth níor airigh sé a ghuth ná a dhath, he heard nothing (AL); níl a ghuth ná a ghré ach go . . . there was nothing in it but . . . Feelings Noise and sounds Everyday phrases Verbs Idioms Log in to hear
Leám n. pr. : cuimhnigh ar Leám (adéarfa) le fear a' bualadh asail. Bé' tú sách luath ag droch-mhargadh, Leám adúirt é sin leis a' bhfear a bhí a' bualadh an asail; bhí deifir mhór air a' goil 'un cogaidh Activities Everyday phrases Feelings Verbs People Log in to hear
liocaim liocann sé an talamh, (tractor) tramps the ground, packs the soil (Wm); liocthaí: féar liocthaí / L´uki: /, hay stuck together after heating (AL). Activities Farming life Objects Verbs Adjectives Log in to hear
lughar níor lughar liom a' deabhal fheiceál 'ná thú, - a' tan nach mbeith aon tsuim agad ainntí, I wouldn't hate seeing the devil more than you - (said) when you wouldn't like her (Sb); ní lughar liom an t-éag 'ná é, I hate him more than death. Feelings Adjectives Everyday phrases Comparatives Verbs Log in to hear
plancadh tá sí a' plancadh féir anois, of cow eating her hay with gusto, or ravenously (AL). mhoithigh mé plancadh ó mhaidin .i. loscadh gunnaí (TmB). Activities Animals Feelings Food and drink Verbs Log in to hear
práinneach práinneach asad féin, leitheadach; práinneach as a chlann, as rud ar bit a bheith aige, proud of, thinks a lot of (AL); bhí sé a cho práinneach as a gcat. he was so very fond of the cat (CN). Adjectives Feelings Likes & dislikes Relationships Verbs Log in to hear
rampaéraí nach é an rampaéraí é! bochaill (nó bacach) ag imeacht chuile áit a mba mhaith leis Everyday phrases Adjectives Feelings Verbs Animals Log in to hear
roilleadh ghá roilleadh héin (ar a' mbóthar), rolling itself (horse). Animals Activities Verbs Feelings The countryside Log in to hear
roinn an sagart agus a' póilí, tabhair a gcuid dóf' agus ná bíof aon roinn agad leóf, give them their due and have nothing more to do with them Everyday phrases Idioms Feelings Relationships Verbs Log in to hear
saighead (vb) shaighead sé an madadh ionnam, he set the dog at me; a' saghdú madaidh, setting on, inciting a dog. Animals Activities Verbs Feelings Everyday phrases Log in to hear
samhlaigh tá an intinn chéanna ag a' bhfear thoir agus ní shamhlóchá leis é, he has the same disposition (he'd take a knife to you) and you'd never think it of him Feelings Personality Everyday phrases Idioms Verbs Log in to hear
sáraigh sháraigh siad mé (the calves) bested me, got the better of me, got away from me: used impersonally: sháraigh air aon bhean fháil, he failed to get any wife; a' sárú oram, contradicting me, arguing me down. Activities Feelings Verbs Idioms Relationships Log in to hear
sceinn used transitively: go scinfadh sí an Curach .i. go nglanfadh sí é, that she would sweep the Curragh, i. Polly, a racing mare from Erris Activities Animals People Verbs Geographical terms Log in to hear
scioll go sciolla tú é .i. an fheóil a bhaint dhá chrámhaí Activities Food and drink Verbs Everyday phrases Relationships Log in to hear
scoith scoith muid thú, we passed you out (on the road) (CN); scoith sí iad, thóig sí an rás orthú, she won the race from them (Sb). Activities Conversation Verbs Feelings Transportation Log in to hear