Irish English Tags Audio
chupla fear a few men Amount People Relationships Adjectives Everyday phrases
cnáimh do dhéid your jaw-bone Objects The body Relationships Physical descriptions Amount Log in to hear
gíoscán 5 million people to feed in London - is mór a' gíoscán é, they eat a lot, there is a lot of chewing on what they need in food F Amount People Food and drink Everyday phrases Adjectives Log in to hear
bun bárr entirely, totally Adverbs Amount Comparatives Everyday phrases Emphasis Log in to hear
lán is mór a' lán é, it is a good deal, a good lot; nach maith a' lán ráibe atá ar na slataí sin, isn't there a good deal of seed on those docks? amount Abstract nouns Everyday phrases Feelings Adjectives Amount Log in to hear
cnapan a heap Abstract nouns Amount Everyday phrases Objects Log in to hear
coirceóg a doubled stook of corn Abstract nouns Farming life Objects Amount Plants Log in to hear
palltóg a big potato Adjectives Food and drink Amount Objects Plants Log in to hear
in aice le trí scóir nearly sixty (three twenties) Amount Numbers Adjectives Measurement
ceann amháin one of them Pronouns Amount Everyday phrases
eh, uilig all Amount Adverbs Everyday phrases Idioms Language
agus fiór-slat ón teach é and he was a good many yards from the house Adjectives Amount The home Verbs Everyday phrases
sin thart ar em that's around... Everyday phrases Adverbs Amount Conversation Prepositions
Cuirfidh cúig phunta leat. "I will bet you five pounds," said the honest man. Adjectives Amount People Money Verbs
Chuir siad geall eile. They placed another bet. Activities Money Verbs Everyday phrases Amount