Irish English Tags Audio
Daoine gan dídean Homeless people People Life & death Relationships Adjectives Feelings Log in to hear
cad a bheadh le tairiscint againne what we would have to offer Everyday phrases Verbs Abstract nouns Activities Relationships Log in to hear
Níl aon chuma air go bhfuil an mhórchuid díobh sásta dul scrimh na hiongan féin sa treo eile fós Most of them don't seem to be willing to go their own way in the other direction yet Adjectives Adverbs Feelings Relationships Verbs Log in to hear
ar a dteann díchill on whose diligence Abstract nouns Prepositions Adjectives Conversation Relationships Log in to hear
ach an scarúint but the separation Abstract nouns Relationships Log in to hear
gur géillsinigh de that he obeyed Verbs Abstract nouns Activities Feelings Relationships Log in to hear
Chruthófaí cochall polaitiúil toghchánaíochta faoi leith dóibh a choinneodh an ceangal dílseachta A separate electoral political hood would be created for them that would maintain the loyalty bond Politics Relationships Abstract nouns Activities Verbs Log in to hear
sciar de na haontachtóirí share of the unionists Politics People Relationships Arguments Everyday phrases Log in to hear
chomh binbeach in aghaidh na Gaeilge so vindictive against the Irish language Adjectives Feelings Language Relationships Arguments Log in to hear
ag dreamanna mionlaigh, by minority groups, People Social issues Relationships Abstract nouns Arguments Log in to hear
Is mithid do na Gaeil teacht le chéile It is time for the Irish to come together Abstract nouns Everyday phrases People Verbs Relationships Log in to hear
tuairim an Chonghailigh agus tuairim an Chadhnaigh. the opinion of Connolly and the opinion of Cadhnaigh. Abstract nouns Arguments People Relationships Conversation Log in to hear
cearta féiniúlachta identity rights Abstract nouns Arguments Feelings People Relationships Log in to hear
dúirt léithe If you had told her Conversation Grammar Everyday phrases Conditional Relationships Log in to hear
Bheadh siad ar chab is tobac They'd be at each other Everyday phrases Feelings Relationships Verbs Interjections Log in to hear