Irish English Tags Audio
go h-aibéil/go tiubh/go sciobta/go tapaidh/go scafánta quickly, fast Adverbs Adjectives Comparatives Feelings Everyday phrases Log in to hear
Go bunúsach Basically Adverbs Everyday phrases Conversational Interjections Abstract nouns Log in to hear
miodaraíocht/miodaracht recollection Abstract nouns Feelings Memory Log in to hear
Moladh suggestion Abstract nouns Activities Conversation Feelings Relationships Log in to hear
Gnoitheach/gnóthach busy Adjectives Activities Feelings Everyday phrases Personality Log in to hear
sár i bhfad before too long Adverbs Everyday phrases Time Log in to hear
Táim ag baint as I'm getting a day out of it Everyday phrases Feelings Activities Idioms Rest and relaxation
Dúirt go gcaithfeadh go bhfuil i do mhúinteoir iontach She said that I must be a great teacher Activities Adjectives People Verbs Feelings
i ndáiríre in seriousness Abstract nouns Adverbs Everyday phrases
ag tuilleamh earning Activities Work Abstract nouns Verbs
táirgí products Objects Food and drink Money Activities Everyday phrases
D'earcóinn I would hire Activities Verbs Everyday phrases Feelings To be able to
ailtireacht architecture Abstract nouns Buildings Activities
táirgeadh product Objects Food and drink Money Activities Abstract nouns
Ag éirí sean to get old Activities Life & death Verbs Feelings Adjectives