Irish English Tags Audio
D'imigh ar scor He retired Activities Verbs Life & death People Rest and relaxation Log in to hear
Máirnéalach Sailor People Jobs Activities Transportation The sea Log in to hear
Foghlaí Mara Pirate Abstract nouns People Folklore Adjectives Animals Log in to hear
marlach toddler People Age groups Objects Relationships Physical descriptions
Sheol muid ár albam úr/nua We launched our new album Activities Music People Verbs Adjectives Log in to hear
Cad as sibh/ as sibh? Where are ye from? Conversation Greetings Place names People Everyday phrases Log in to hear
Is as an Pholainn é He is from Poland Geographical terms People Nationality To be able to Relationships Log in to hear
D'oibrigh Dan in earnáil na seandálaíochta Dan worked in the archaeological sector Activities Work People Geographical terms Buildings
Teastaíonn uainn go n-aireoidh daoine beo beathamhach/beathach nuair a bhíonn siad ag éisteacht linn We want people to feel alive when they are listening to us Feelings People Verbs Activities Everyday phrases
Is é Dan an príomhchumadóir don iarraidh seo ach beimid ag leathnú amach ina dhiaidh seo Dan is the main composer for this effort but we will probably broaden out after this Activities Music Feelings Everyday phrases People Log in to hear
Beidh muid ag seoladh ár n-albam úr We will be launching our new album Activities Music People Verbs To be able to Log in to hear
chuala tráchta ar Chlainn Lir He heard mention of the Children of Lir Folklore People Activities Sound and noises Relationships
naoi gcéad bliain le bheith caití acu, 900 years to be spent by them. Amount Time Verbs People To be able to
chuir fear de na naoimh ar a bhfairnéis they searched after one of the Saints Activities People Religion Arguments Everyday phrases
agus fuair go hInis Gluaire and he was found in Inis Gluaire Geographical terms Places People Verbs Life & death