Irish English Tags Audio
I rith/ le linn during Prepositions Time Everyday phrases
Romham, Romhat, Roimhe, Roimpi, Romhainn, Romhaibh, Rompu Before me etc Everyday phrases Prepositions Time Conversation Feelings
breá a bhí ann It was a fine day Adjectives Everyday phrases Feelings Time Weather
Coicís Fortnight Calendar & Seasons Measurement Time Log in to hear
Go moch/Go luath Early Adjectives Time Calendar & Seasons Log in to hear
Go mall/Go déanach Late Adjectives Adverbs Time Feelings Everyday phrases Log in to hear
Dár gcionn/lá arna mhárach the day after Calendar & Seasons Everyday phrases Time Log in to hear
in éis/tar éis/i ndiaidh after Prepositions Time Log in to hear
scaitheamh/tamall fada It's been a long while Time Everyday phrases Feelings Adjectives Adverbs Log in to hear
Thosaíomar/ Thoisigh muid tuairim is bliain ó shin We started around a year ago Activities Time Everyday phrases Verbs Chronology Log in to hear
Uaireanta/Scaití Occasionally Adverbs Time Everyday phrases Activities Life & death Log in to hear
Beidh muid ag seinm ar an gcéad is fiche de mhí na Nollag We will be playing on the 21st of December Activities Calendar & Seasons Verbs Time Conversation Log in to hear
Ó tharla Covid Since Covid happened Disaster Health Everyday phrases Time Activities Log in to hear
Aimsir Naomh Pádraic, It was the time of St. Patrick Calendar & Seasons Religion Places names Everyday phrases Time
go rabh siad eidir Ceann Iorrais agus Ceann Acla That they were between Erris head and Achill head. Geographical terms Place names Countryside Everyday phrases Time