Irish English Tags Audio
fiar fiar tugthaí dhó, it put on a slant; ar fiar, on a slant a slant Adjectives Everyday phrases Language Prepositions Relationships Log in to hear
fíor-chapall a mare that would have eleven foals. This does not seem right; likely the word means a 'bred horse'. Animals Feelings Life & death Language Objects Log in to hear
bocht a common meaning is miserly, mean Abstract nouns Adjectives Feelings Likes & dislikes Language Log in to hear
amháin in phrase h-é amháin from ní h-é amháin, not to mention, even: d'ólfainn sláinte madadh as Éire, h-é amháin amadán as Éire; bhéarfainn punt dó h-é amháin sciling, I'd give him a pound not to mention a shilling. h-é amháin is often used finally at the end of an utterance meaning 'even'. Everyday phrases Language Feelings Adverbs Idioms Log in to hear
angar .i. droch-seileadh bróch (MCd); seileadh agus angar .i. diachair (MMt) Abstract nouns Feelings Adjectives Idioms Language Log in to hear
caoch bhí sí á dhalladh caoch le draoidheachta, she was beating him blind with magic. Activities Feelings Language Verbs Idioms Log in to hear
cionn goil ina chionn, to undertake it; le goil i gcionn na Gaeilge ceart, to go into, examine, or take up correct, proper Irish Activities Language Feelings Verbs Everyday phrases Log in to hear
cloigíneacht a' cloigíneacht orthaí People Everyday phrases Feelings Conversation Language Log in to hear
conráiteach tá sé conráiteach go maith, troublesome Adjectives Feelings Everyday phrases Language Personality Log in to hear
coscair chascair me ag a' diabhal é deifir a dhéanamh, I shouted at him and heaped curses on him to hurry up. Activities Feelings Verbs Everyday phrases Language Log in to hear
deara in phr. thug mé faoi ndeara, I noticed (MR). fá deara 'caused' does not seem to be used in Erris. Everyday phrases Language Feelings Geographical terms People Log in to hear
dúrtach (tá mé) an-dúrtach duit .i. iomarcaí cion a bheith agam ort (Sb); le dúrtacht, with affection (Sb). I have heard this word only once, and have some doubt about it. Feelings Everyday phrases Verbs Adjectives Language Log in to hear
eitigh heitíof thú .i. ní ghlacfadh an ghearr-chaile a d'iarr tú thú. Everyday phrases Feelings Adjectives Language Relationships Log in to hear
gálóg a' cumadh gálógaí .i. bréaga Abstract nouns Feelings Adjectives Language Everyday phrases Log in to hear
geidimín níl ann ach geidimín go dhuine, níl aon teacht 'un láithreach ann, an geidimín Everyday phrases Feelings Language Expressions Relationships Log in to hear