Irish English Tags Audio
ach tua na gciorruithe a bhualadh anuas uirthi but the ax of the cuts struck her Objects Verbs Everyday phrases Feelings Physical contact Log in to hear
chomh binbeach in aghaidh na Gaeilge so vindictive against the Irish language Adjectives Feelings Language Relationships Arguments Log in to hear
fágfar ar leataobh an teanga or the language will be left aside Language Verbs Feelings Everyday phrases Abstract nouns Log in to hear
ag éileamh demanding Adjectives Activities Feelings Personality Work Log in to hear
rud atá réadúil which is realistic Adjectives Comparatives Activities Everyday phrases Feelings Log in to hear
cearta féiniúlachta identity rights Abstract nouns Arguments Feelings People Relationships Log in to hear
Tite as a chéile Fallen to pieces Adjectives Feelings Idioms Physical descriptions Disaster Log in to hear
ndéarfá léi If you would say to her Everyday phrases Conversation Feelings Pronouns To be able to Log in to hear
déanta go leor ar an gairsiúlacht She's used to the obscenity Feelings Activities Adjectives Everyday phrases Language Log in to hear
casadh ann It's complicated Abstract nouns Adjectives Feelings Everyday phrases Conversational Log in to hear
tuighe why (donegal) Geographical terms Conversation Interjections Everyday phrases Feelings Log in to hear
Tuige (Connacht) = Cad chuige Why Conversation Interjections Questions Everyday phrases Feelings Log in to hear
Cén t-ábhar (Iorras) why Conversation Interjections Questions Abstract nouns Feelings Log in to hear
Cén t-údar (Tuar Mhic Éadaigh agus Connamara) why Conversation Interjections Feelings Adverbs Idioms Log in to hear
Cannathaobh (cad ina thaobh) Why Conversation Questions Interjections Feelings Idioms Log in to hear