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conráiteach tá sé conráiteach go maith, troublesome Adjectives Feelings Everyday phrases Language Personality Log in to hear
dath a dhath, with neg. nothing, gan a dhath, free, gratis. Everyday phrases Likes & dislikes Adjectives Expressions Log in to hear
deóiríneacht i gcónaí a' deóiríneacht, always whining, whinging Feelings Everyday phrases Adjectives Adverbs Activities Log in to hear
dochar beag a' dochar dhuit náire a bheith ort, you should be ashamed of yourself Feelings Everyday phrases Idioms Conversation Adjectives Log in to hear
dóghín an dóghín, the little miserable two (of diamonds), dó + ín. Abstract nouns Adjectives Animals Folklore Numbers Log in to hear
dóráinín is tú an dóráinín, tá tú iarrth', your are the silly little thing, you're daft Adjectives Feelings Everyday phrases Terms of endearment Conversation Log in to hear
dósta lá dósta, lá sceataidh, lá a mbeith gaoth láidir is fearthainn chruaidh Calendar & Seasons Weather Feelings Everyday phrases Adjectives Log in to hear
draid draid mhaith fhiacla aige, a good set of teeth Abstract nouns Adjectives Objects Feelings Physical descriptions Log in to hear
dreabháird níl dreabháird ar bith ar a' bhfear sin, níl dul amú ar bith air, there is no stray on him, i. he is well able to look after himself (said of a young lad out late at night, when his parents might be worring about him) (MMt); tá an bhó ar dreabháird, níl sí le fáil. Feelings Everyday phrases Adjectives Animals To be able to Log in to hear
dúrtach (tá mé) an-dúrtach duit .i. iomarcaí cion a bheith agam ort (Sb); le dúrtacht, with affection (Sb). I have heard this word only once, and have some doubt about it. Feelings Everyday phrases Verbs Adjectives Language Log in to hear
éadáil is maith an éadáil í, i. the good weather, it's good to get it (JT); nach tú an droch-éadáil, said to a cross child (páiste cointinneach); plainc ná adhmad faoi thír, raic sin éadáil (TmB). Adjectives Everyday phrases Feelings Weather Idioms Log in to hear
éisteallach duine éisteallach, fastidious person (Sb); in particular a horse that won't drink from a smelly bucket is said to be éisteallach, or a cow (MMt), (AL). Adjectives Animals Feelings Folklore Proverbs Log in to hear
eitigh heitíof thú .i. ní ghlacfadh an ghearr-chaile a d'iarr tú thú. Everyday phrases Feelings Adjectives Language Relationships Log in to hear
fobhar tá fobhar ar a' ngealaigh, the moon is on the wane, í ag goil siar Weather Astronomy Adjectives Everyday phrases Verbs Log in to hear
fóidín meara fuaidh a' fóidín meara ort, you went astray (MC); tá fóidín meara air, he is wrong in the head. Idioms Feelings Everyday phrases Adjectives Verbs Log in to hear