Irish English Tags Audio
draoitheadóireacht a' draoitheadóireacht, ag coinneál eagnaidheacht leat, arguing with you Activities Arguments Feelings Verbs Conversational phrases Log in to hear
dul ní féidir a dhul dóf ', it is impossible to be up to them, to get the better of them. Verbs Feelings Idioms Abstract nouns Relationships Log in to hear
dúrtach (tá mé) an-dúrtach duit .i. iomarcaí cion a bheith agam ort (Sb); le dúrtacht, with affection (Sb). I have heard this word only once, and have some doubt about it. Feelings Everyday phrases Verbs Adjectives Language Log in to hear
éisteacht bhfuil tú ag éisteacht liom, are you listening to me? Activities Everyday phrases Conversation Feelings Verbs Log in to hear
féidhm imthí ó fhéim, nach mbeith i n-ann dadaí a dhéanamh Everyday phrases Feelings Verbs Idiom Adverbs Log in to hear
feistiú chuir siad feistiú troda orthú héin, equipped themselves for fight, armed themselves with graips Activities Verbs Feelings Objects Everyday phrases Log in to hear
fobha a' tabhairt fobha duithe, a' ligean a' ghráin aicí, a' grán a ligean síos sa mbró (when grinding corn) Activities Food and drink Verbs Everyday phrases Farming life Log in to hear
fobhar tá fobhar ar a' ngealaigh, the moon is on the wane, í ag goil siar Weather Astronomy Adjectives Everyday phrases Verbs Log in to hear
fóidín meara fuaidh a' fóidín meara ort, you went astray (MC); tá fóidín meara air, he is wrong in the head. Idioms Feelings Everyday phrases Adjectives Verbs Log in to hear
freagairt tá mo dhruim a' freagairt, my back is paining me (especially with reference to a rheumatic pain; an áit a bhfuil a' phian a' freagairt, where you feel the pain (CN) and (PsC). Feelings Health Body Everyday phrases Verbs Log in to hear
fuath tá tú a' tabhairt fua dúinn, deserting us, not visiting us of nights as you used to Feelings Everyday phrases Relationships Adverbs Verbs Log in to hear
gaoiséal tarnneó mé na gaoiséil asad, I'll pull the wind-pipe out of you Activities Feelings Idioms Verbs Physical contact Log in to hear
glafar chuirfeadh sé glafar as Verbs Activities Everyday phrases Feelings Interjections Log in to hear
glas rua léana glas rua léana a chuireas bás ar na géabhaí Abstract nouns Adjectives Animals Feelings Verbs Log in to hear
gné ní fhaca sé a ghath ná a ghné, he saw nothing Feelings Conversation Adjectives Verbs Everyday phrases Log in to hear