Irish English Tags Audio
Nuair a thiocfas muid ar ais When we come back Adverbs Activities Everyday phrases Verbs Time Log in to hear
Sin é an tslí go mba fhearr dúinn That would be the way that we would prefer Feelings Everyday phrases Adverbs Verbs Idioms Log in to hear
i bhfad i gcéin far away Adverbs Adjectives Geographical terms Abstract nouns Distance Log in to hear
gan roinn without division Abstract nouns Adverbs Log in to hear
Tháinig maolú beag There was a slight easing Adjectives Abstract nouns Everyday phrases Adverbs Verbs Log in to hear
go deonach voluntarily Adverbs Activities Feelings Personality Work Log in to hear
Níl aon chuma air go bhfuil an mhórchuid díobh sásta dul scrimh na hiongan féin sa treo eile fós Most of them don't seem to be willing to go their own way in the other direction yet Adjectives Adverbs Feelings Relationships Verbs Log in to hear
comhuaineach simultaneously Adverbs Activities Time Log in to hear
amhail such as Everyday phrases Prepositions Language Conversation Adverbs Log in to hear
Dealraíonn It seems Everyday phrases Adverbs Verbs Grammar Feelings Log in to hear
do chách for all Everyday phrases Prepositions Adverbs Log in to hear
Le fada an For a long while Adverbs Time Everyday phrases Measurement Log in to hear
Cothrom an lae seo anuraidh On this exact day last year Calendar & Seasons Time Adverbs Log in to hear
Cén t-údar (Tuar Mhic Éadaigh agus Connamara) why Conversation Interjections Feelings Adverbs Idioms Log in to hear
Is cosúil liomsa/feictear dhomhsa/ It seems to me Everyday phrases Feelings Conversation Adverbs Grammar Log in to hear