Irish English Tags Audio
a aimsiú laistigh den adamh found within the atom Abstract nouns Geographical terms Science Objects Life & death Log in to hear
prumpa an Lucht Oibre the Labor trumpet Objects Music Life & death Activities People Log in to hear
athdháileadh maoine redistribution property Abstract nouns Arguments Money Buildings Life & death Log in to hear
Ar scor/éirithe as Retired Adjectives Activities People Life & death Feelings Log in to hear
Tachráin small children Adjectives People Past participle Life & death The family Log in to hear
féidearthachtaí possibilites Abstract nouns Feelings Likes & dislikes Arguments Life & death Log in to hear
Mairfidh It will last Verbs Future tense To be able to Everyday phrases Life & death Log in to hear
Teibí Abstract Abstract nouns Language Feelings Life & death Philosophy Log in to hear
Táim beo ar éigean I'm barely alive Feelings Life & death Everyday phrases Adverbs Verbs
Amhránaí Singer People Activities Music Adjectives Life & death
Imeacht Event Abstract nouns Activities Life & death Time Events Log in to hear
Bainis Wedding Abstract nouns Relationships Life & death Celebration Buildings Log in to hear
Ag machnamh To reflect on one's thoughts Activities Feelings Verbs Life & death Everyday phrases
Stuama Level headed/sober Adjectives Feelings Personality Life & death Comparatives
Teifeach Refugee Abstract nouns People Relationships Life & death Disaster