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glafar chuirfeadh sé glafar as Verbs Activities Everyday phrases Feelings Interjections Log in to hear
griúil tá griúil ar a' tsúp (hare's soup) le teann mathas, it is so rich and full of goodness Food and drink Feelings Adjectives Everyday phrases Activities Log in to hear
hata Acla agus naprún Chliara ná déan hata Acla dó .i. den chasúr, don't treat it like hata Acla, that is to say make common property of it (MMt). There was only one hat in Achill and only one apron in Clare Island, and everybody wore it in turn according as he or she needed it. The same was said of brógaí Iorruis, there was only one pair which was used by everybody or so the saying goes. Activities Idioms Everyday phrases Folklore Relationships Log in to hear
iogallach bhí iogallach ar a' bhfaraige (PR); iogallach nuair bhíos a' t-ionradh agus a' ghaoth i n-aghaidh a chéilí go do dhalladh sa gcurach (AL). Feelings Weather Adjectives Activities Life & death Log in to hear
ionad in phr. i n-ionad, at the end of: bhí sé feadh bliana ag muintir na bruíne, agus annsin bhí a bhean le goil a' pósadh i n-ionad (n)a bliana, at the end of the year, when the year was up Everyday phrases Time Feelings Relationships Activities Log in to hear
láir gen. lárach occurs in searrach lárach, a filly foal. Animals Abstract nouns Activities People Adjectives Log in to hear
leac a' bhladair is tú leac a' bhladair (adéarfá) le páiste a bheith a' dúil le sweets Everyday phrases Feelings Food and drink Activities Adjectives Log in to hear
Leám n. pr. : cuimhnigh ar Leám (adéarfa) le fear a' bualadh asail. Bé' tú sách luath ag droch-mhargadh, Leám adúirt é sin leis a' bhfear a bhí a' bualadh an asail; bhí deifir mhór air a' goil 'un cogaidh Activities Everyday phrases Feelings Verbs People Log in to hear
liabrán cloch liabráin, sharpening stone Objects Tools Everyday phrases Activities Food and drink Log in to hear
liocaim liocann sé an talamh, (tractor) tramps the ground, packs the soil (Wm); liocthaí: féar liocthaí / L´uki: /, hay stuck together after heating (AL). Activities Farming life Objects Verbs Adjectives Log in to hear
luinsgeóracht a' l., a' bogadaigh ar a' mbóthar, staggering from drink Activities Feelings Food and drink Adjectives Everyday phrases Log in to hear
méad lé' mhéad a scanraigh Ifreann é, Hell frightened him so much Feelings Everyday phrases Adjectives Activities People Log in to hear
méar the fingers are in order - an ordóg, a' chorr-mhéar, a' mhéar fhada, a' mhéar fháinne (or méar an fháinne), a' laidhricín Body Objects Activities Physical descriptions Everyday phrases Log in to hear
nasc i nasc, hemmed in, embraced, Abstract nouns Activities Adjectives Feelings Physical contact Log in to hear
oilbhéasach bochaill oilbhéasach, suas le géimeannaí, a ghoidfeadh giorrán a chomharsa is a bhainfeadh marcaíocht as Animals Adjectives Activities People Feelings Log in to hear