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ascaill sa bhfaraige .i. lúbán isteach, tá fascadh ann. Activities Everyday phrases Feelings Verbs Idioms Log in to hear
béinn A. Tá É. a' teacht aríst. B. Béinn Dé ort, a' bhfuil? (ML), and confirmed by (BR); the meaning seems to be something like 'Go to God, do you tell me so?' expressing a mixture of wonder and delight. Everyday phrases Feelings Conversation Religion Idioms Log in to hear
béinne rinne siad béinne de (le buillí), they knocked him stiff Activities Verbs Emotions Everyday phrases Idioms Log in to hear
bidhg bás bíg, sudden death. Abstract nouns Feelings Everyday phrases Life & death Idioms Log in to hear
bréag níl mé a' cur bréige air, I'm not belying him Feelings Everyday phrases Verbs Conversation Idioms Log in to hear
bróg marbh le bród, very pleased, delighted. Feelings Adjectives Everyday phrases Idioms Terms of endearment Log in to hear
broim is fiúntáí broim ná brúcht (sean-ocal) Abstract nouns Feelings Everyday phrases Idioms Activities Log in to hear
bundún tá sé go bhundún air Adverbs Everyday phrases Feelings Idioms To be able to Log in to hear
caoch bhí sí á dhalladh caoch le draoidheachta, she was beating him blind with magic. Activities Feelings Language Verbs Idioms Log in to hear
ciontaí ní rabh ciontaí ar bith aige liom-s, he had no fault to find with me Feelings Everyday phrases Relationships Verbs Idioms Log in to hear
cluas bain a' chluas duíom má thugann tú an lámh faoi'n talamh leat (ars an tAthair Mánus) (Sb). = 'mark my words'. Everyday phrases Idioms Conversation Feelings Relationships Log in to hear
cóir níl éinne a fhanans le cóir nach bhfánn é (sean-ocal) Everyday phrases Idioms Proverbs Feelings Relationships Log in to hear
díth gan díth ná dolaidh a dhéanamh go dhuine ar bith, to do no harm to anyone Activities Feelings Everyday phrases Idioms Verbs Log in to hear
dochar beag a' dochar dhuit náire a bheith ort, you should be ashamed of yourself Feelings Everyday phrases Idioms Conversation Adjectives Log in to hear
dul ní féidir a dhul dóf ', it is impossible to be up to them, to get the better of them. Verbs Feelings Idioms Abstract nouns Relationships Log in to hear