Irish English Tags Audio
Cén t-údar (Tuar Mhic Éadaigh agus Connamara) why Conversation Interjections Feelings Adverbs Idioms Log in to hear
Cannathaobh (cad ina thaobh) Why Conversation Questions Interjections Feelings Idioms Log in to hear
Bheadh siad ar chab is tobac They'd be at each other Everyday phrases Feelings Relationships Verbs Interjections Log in to hear
Cén chaoi bhfuil tú? How are you? Everyday phrases Greetings Conversation Feelings Interjections
Dia dhuit/Bail ó Dhia ort/Sé do bheatha Bless you/Hello/Welcome Greetings Everyday phrases Interjections
Conas tánn tú/Conas taoi How are you? Everyday phrases Greetings Conversation Feelings Interjections
Ceart go leor/Tá go maith/Táim maith go leor I'm ok Feelings Everyday phrases Adjectives Conversation Interjections
An ea? Is it? Everyday phrases Questions Conversation Interjections Adverbs
Slán tóg go réidh/go bog é! Go soirbhí Dia dhuit By take it easy! Godspeed Everyday phrases Interjections Feelings Greetings Idioms
Goitse! Come here to me! Everyday phrases Verbs Prepositions Interjections Feelings
fonn aisig/múisce/tiompú/urlacán/cur amach orm I feel like puking! Feelings Everyday phrases Verbs Interjections Health
íseal lower/vulgar Adjectives Adverbs Feelings Personality Interjections
Agam, Agat, Aige, Aici, Againn, Agaibh, Acu At me, At you etc Everyday phrases Pronouns Physical contact Relationships Interjections
Dom, Duit, Dó, Di, Dúinn, Daoibh, Dóibh To me to you etc Everyday phrases Conversation Interjections Relationships To be able to
Asam, Asat, As, Aisti, Asainn,Asaibh, Astu Out of me etc Everyday phrases Interjections Feelings Language Conversation