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amháin in phrase h-é amháin from ní h-é amháin, not to mention, even: d'ólfainn sláinte madadh as Éire, h-é amháin amadán as Éire; bhéarfainn punt dó h-é amháin sciling, I'd give him a pound not to mention a shilling. h-é amháin is often used finally at the end of an utterance meaning 'even'. Everyday phrases Language Feelings Adverbs Idioms Log in to hear
antráthach uair antráthach, a very late hour, well after midnight Abstract nouns Adverbs Adjectives Time Feelings Log in to hear
athchomair tá sí sin ag imeacht go hathchomair, travelling fast. This was quoted for me by PsC as a Donegallism, i. the word athchomair. Activities Adverbs Colloquialisms Feelings Place names Log in to hear
bundún tá sé go bhundún air Adverbs Everyday phrases Feelings Idioms To be able to Log in to hear
caimbéal bhí mé ag ithe an chaimbéal íochtair duíom héin faoi n-a dhéanamh, I regretted very much having done it Feelings Activities Verbs Adverbs Everyday phrases Log in to hear
conascar leis a gconascar, at nightfall Time Weather Adverbs Everyday phrases Activities Log in to hear
deóiríneacht i gcónaí a' deóiríneacht, always whining, whinging Feelings Everyday phrases Adjectives Adverbs Activities Log in to hear
féidhm imthí ó fhéim, nach mbeith i n-ann dadaí a dhéanamh Everyday phrases Feelings Verbs Idiom Adverbs Log in to hear
fuath tá tú a' tabhairt fua dúinn, deserting us, not visiting us of nights as you used to Feelings Everyday phrases Relationships Adverbs Verbs Log in to hear
lorg a lorg, nothing, following a dhath, finally - a dhath . . . a lorg (negatively) Everyday phrases Feelings Interjections Adverbs Objects Log in to hear
luas ar a' dá luas, immediately Adverbs Everyday phrases Prepositions Time Language Log in to hear
sméarthacht a' sméarthacht a cinn, rubbing her head, fingering her hair Activities Feelings Physical contact The body Adverbs Log in to hear
te teann rug siad ar a chéilí go te teann Adjectives Adverbs Activities Everyday phrases Verbs Log in to hear
scáití sometimes Adverbs Everyday phrases Time
bhuel, chuid acu théanns go Sasana well, some of them go to England Everyday phrases Geographical terms Adverbs Verbs People